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Image by Georgia de Lotz


Hello there! I'm Starlite Morningrae, the creative force behind Adopted Royal Creation, calling Sydney, Australia my home. When I'm not dreaming up delightful designs, you'll find me embracing my roles as a loving wife to Jony and a proud mom to three precious beings: two darling little humans and one adorable pup. Together, we're spreading smiles one creation at a time! 


We're the California crew who made the big move Down Under a few years back. After leaving my tech job to become a full-time mom, I started craving a creative outlet. Despite feeling unsure about my artistic abilities, I decided to dive in and learn with the help of online tutorials and some amazing artists. And that's how my creative journey began!  A spark ignited deep within me, fueled by an insatiable desire to bring a little slice of joy to the world.


And thus, Adopted Royal Creation was born! Each piece is crafted with love and sprinkled with positivity, inspired by the beauty of Bible scriptures, heartwarming quotes, and all things cute and quirky. It's my way of spreading a little sunshine wherever I go.


Stepping out of my comfort zone, I'm on a mission to show my kiddos that dreams can come true at any age. So, why not come along for the ride? Let's paint this world with a rainbow of joy and creativity together! 

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Our vision is to emerge as the premier faith-centered brand, offering designs and products that embody kindness, health, positivity, and happiness.


Our mission at Adopted Royal Creation is to spread joy and hope through our delightful and uplifting creations. We are dedicated to crafting cute and feel-good products that inspire positivity and brighten the lives of our customers.

Behind the Names

Starlite Morningrae.  

Back when I was just starting out on IG, I went by the name "Starlite Morningrae."

It's kind of like my creative calling card. "Starlite" because I've always felt this pull to shine bright, like a star in the night sky. "Morningrae" – well, that's all about embracing the fresh start of each day, just like the gentle glow of the morning sun.


You see, I've got this belief deep down that I'm meant to spread a little light in this world. 

"Starlite Morningrae" became more than just a username – it's a playful reminder of my mission to shine bright and spread a little joy in this wondrous, unpredictable journey called life.


"Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever."  -- Daniel 12:3



Adopted Royal Creation

Our name captures the essence of our Christian faith: through Jesus Christ, we're adopted into God's royal family. We shed our old selves and become new creations, with fresh identities and boundless potential.


Our mission is as exciting as it is simple: to inspire and uplift each member of God's royal creation to live life to the fullest, just as He intended. Whether it's through words of encouragement, acts of kindness, or moments of joy, we're here to spark your inner royalty and help you shine brightly in the kingdom of God.


My aspiration is to see every person realize their royal heritage and embrace their divine destiny. I want to be a catalyst for positive change, spreading love, hope, and empowerment wherever I go. Together, let's journey towards a lifestyle that reflects the grace, love, and royalty bestowed upon us by our heavenly Father.


"God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure." -- Ephesians 1:5



"Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father." -- Romans 8:15


I'm always looking for new design ideas and feedback. Let's connect.

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